4s店买车赠品都有20种 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 爱情片 1994

导演: Katie Aselton


The Freebie centers on Darren (Shepard) and Annie (Aselton), a young married couple with an enviable relationship built on love trust and communication. Darren and Annie still enjoy each other’s company and laugh at each other’s jokes, but, unfortunately, they can’t remember the last time they had sex. When a dinner party conversation leads to an honest discussion about the state of their love life, and when a sexy bikini photo shoot leads to crossword puzzles instead of sex, they begin to flirt with a way to spice things up. The deal: one night of freedom, no strings attached, no questions asked. Could a freebie be the cure for their ailing sex life? And will they go through with it? With a keen eye and fresh take, Aselton’s directorial debut shines with crisp storytelling and fine-tuned performances. THE Freebie is an insightful and humorous look at love, sustaining relationships , and the awkwardness of monogamy when the haze of lust has faded.


  • 嘉依 3小时前 :


  • 岚珠 5小时前 :


  • 慕容英华 1小时前 :


  • 士贝丽 5小时前 :

    Pr:911事件禁飞后一个偏僻的小岛和小镇热情大方地接待帮助被滞留旅客。小镇人口突然翻倍造成的资源紧张和不同文化的人种没有激发矛盾和不满,反而是大家互相鼓励共度难关。人类在大灾难面前展现出的强大的共情能力、互相照顾、无私善意,人性中最美好的部分在恶劣的环境中更加凸显的闪闪发光。“who am I if I don’t feel like the me from yesterday” “somewhere in the middle of nowhere you’ll find your heart and left a part of you behind”“We honor what was lost, but we also commemorate what we found”

  • 伍和悌 6小时前 :


  • 振铭 7小时前 :

    密集的台词和唱段、动听的旋律、热闹的舞步、简洁炫目的舞美、缤纷的笑料和点到为止的感人瞬间,百老汇太强了。女机长的solo曲目Me and the Sky进入单曲循环。

  • 卯觅丹 2小时前 :


  • 子车凌青 2小时前 :


  • 居荌荌 5小时前 :

    动人,十分动人。多视角多线路zoom in on人们在灾难发生时的真实状态:\机长/、镇长、中东人、教徒、母亲、动物保护者……Something‘s gone. 祈祷和高潮妙绝。Be a Newfoundlander! You are here in Gander town——结合严重疫情仍处于封闭时期的现状,我是被何打动而为何哭泣?

  • 天辰锟 1小时前 :

    可惜因为疫情错过了现场观看的机会 这个角度切入这个故事的改编 真的让人无法释怀

  • 书娜兰 3小时前 :


  • 凌莲 4小时前 :


  • 文紫 5小时前 :

    The island Newfoundland,the town Gander, we honor what we lost but also commemorate what we found.

  • 友莘莘 1小时前 :


  • 斋芳林 6小时前 :

    音乐剧真是太高尚了 节奏 情景 台词 这就是吸引人的地方

  • 岚桐 4小时前 :


  • 敏晓楠 2小时前 :


  • 万俟宛白 4小时前 :


  • 于巧夏 1小时前 :

    上线apple tv的流媒体音乐剧,看的官摄版,20年过去了,911事件还能赚足人们的眼泪,疫情期间看格外感动。幸福的小镇比大都市还开放包容,十几个演员用口音表演群像,不要忘记历史,不要忘记人类的灾难与高光时刻。

  • 仉海瑶 8小时前 :

    动人,十分动人。多视角多线路zoom in on人们在灾难发生时的真实状态:\机长/、镇长、中东人、教徒、母亲、动物保护者……Something‘s gone. 祈祷和高潮妙绝。Be a Newfoundlander! You are here in Gander town——结合严重疫情仍处于封闭时期的现状,我是被何打动而为何哭泣?


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