
  After some misunderstanding, Sakaguchi is hired to make a tourist guide video on Tobako (a fictitious name for Kawaguchi) in the outskirts of Tokyo. This element in the script sparks off a fanciful wandering strewn with unexpected meetings. First with Kitagawa, thanks to whom Sakaguchi landed the job. Then with a seamstress, and then with Yoshino, with whom a half-hearted romance emerges. Thus the narrative unfolds, in halts and swerves, espousing unexpected meetings, and offering the strolling character an opportunity for displacements from one place to the next. The deserted town has come to a standstill – the shooting took place during the lockdown – and this acts as a metaphor for the idleness of the characters. Garden Sandbox is light and nimble, whereas its main character hasa limp. Her demeanour and her stiff body exude a peculiar quality, somewhat comically at odds with the setting. Apathetically playing along, the young woman gleans from each character some pieces of information about the town and, then, touch by touch she delineates its picture: ultimately, the place comes acrossas a post-industrial locale whose foundries are now obsolete. Sakaguchi’s very meanderings lead her to a rich family’s house for a sewing lesson. In this pivotal scene, the lady of the house invites her to don an upper-class wedding dress. Through a gesture both radical and powerful, which itself informs the dynamic of the film as a whole, a gleeful snip of the scissors transforms the item of clothing into the ultimate chic of haute-couture design. What weaves together this truant escape whose motifs and fabric seem inspired by Jacques Rozier’s films, a crumbling industrial heritage and the transforming of a traditional wedding dress? With Garden Sandbox, whose title is a reference to the type of sand used in the foundries, joyfully and playfully, Yukinori Kurokawa interrogates the concepts of mutation and (re)use as sources of boundless possibilities. (Claire Lasolle)


  • 文信鸥 0小时前 :


  • 丽漫 9小时前 :


  • 势依云 9小时前 :

    tina&jimmy jr给我锁死!!!!

  • 多思洁 7小时前 :

    比我看过的任何一部妇联单人电影好看。 比较像九十年代的二流港产片。

  • 庆宜欣 6小时前 :

    还以为要去地底探险,哈哈哈 还是和俗套的动画不一样~

  • 改英媛 8小时前 :


  • 彩韵 3小时前 :


  • 掌寄蓝 3小时前 :


  • 昌慧巧 4小时前 :


  • 妮琬 4小时前 :


  • 寿湛英 2小时前 :

    三星半 整体剧情紧凑无尿点 特效和打戏也很精彩 但是因为本地化研究做的不够 很多小细节会让中国区观众出戏 甚至某个公交司机左袖子上还出现了89xx的数字 这就有点不想赚钱的感觉了

  • 何初之 2小时前 :

    还……蛮好看的……时而觉得Katy好看时而不觉得可能是因为妆?龙蛮帅的但莫名弱 猪猪狗有点可爱但又有点像火鸡…… Wong! Wong! Wong!

  • 告凝海 7小时前 :

    看起来fancy实际上到处是bug的故事真是够了。 两星都给Awkwafina

  • 喻芷珊 3小时前 :


  • 圣阳荣 7小时前 :


  • 崔雨凝 4小时前 :

    真好看。。。留下了汉奸的泪水。 除了无法理解为什么梁朝伟和陈法拉能生出刘思慕以后刘还能被别人摸着脸说:“你真像你妈妈”,以及后半程梁朝伟像个智商归零的碇司令以外,就挑不出什么槽点了。 改掉了所谓乳化要素,尚气也不是一个因为西方影响而对自己血脉开刀的人,结尾串场到神奇动物在哪里。 骑着东方龙打一个克系怪物,还有比这更过瘾的事吗?

  • 函运鸿 1小时前 :


  • 向雅云 1小时前 :

    太棒啦 好温馨~要是我的小孩子也能这么棒的话我肯定愿意生啊呜呜

  • 昔以晴 8小时前 :


  • 宓元甲 2小时前 :

    哈哈既然爆出来公车数字事件,那我就赶快标记一下,条目被灭不远了……以及,Tony Leung好帅,想捆绑十个尚气去换回一个他爹文武可不可啊?


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