极品豪门太子 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 动作片 2011

导演: 袁秋枫


  ◎译  名 太极门
  ◎片  名 Duel at the Supreme Gate
  ◎年  代 1968
  ◎国  家 中国香港
  ◎类  别 动作/剧情
  ◎语  言 普通话
  ◎字  幕 英文
  ◎IMDB评分 5.9/10 (11 votes)
  ◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0884747
  ◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
  ◎视频尺寸 608 x 256
  ◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB
  ◎片  长 01:31:06
  ◎导  演 袁秋枫 Qiufeng Yuan
  ◎主  演 雷震 Kelly Lai Chen  ....Sun Tai Yong
  乐蒂 Di Le  ....Yuk Bin
  张扬 Yang Zhang  ....Nam Chee
  周小来 Siu Loi Chow
  郝履仁 Ho Lee Yan
  石坚 Shih Kien  ....Kuan (as Kin Sek)
  任浩 Ho Yam
  ◎简  介
  After a troublesome misunderstanding with several students, Bin
  receives the pill she needs from the Sky King's senior student
  Chee Chun Nam but returns too late to save her master. What's
  worse, it is revealed that she is actually the killer's daughter and
  therefore can no longer reside at Supreme Gate as a clan rule. Even
  defending the clan from a challenge by former clansman Sun Tai Yong is
  not enough to persuade them to let her stay.
  Bin becomes an unarmed outcast but not for long. Nam, who has trailed
  her all the way to the Supreme Gate, has fallen in love with the
  distraught swordswoman and offers her a golden flute sword for
  protection. She next is warily convinced to join Yong in meeting her
  real father who locks her away with the stolen clan items when she
  refuses to join him. Bin escapes and attempts to return the weapons
  to her clan but Yong intercepts them. Furious at his daughter's
  actions, Kuan goes on the warpath. He strikes Bin with his deadly Icy
  Press attack and stalks off in search of Yong and the stolen weapons.
  From here the story takes on a more interesting dramatic turn as Bin
  recovers with the aid of the Sky King but is left blinded by the
  attack and unwilling to accept aid from Nam. Through various dramatic
  turns, Nam refuses to give up and finally tricks her into accepting
  his care. He eventually trains her to adapt her swordsmanship to
  fighting blind. This predictably comes in handy when she returns to the
  Supreme Gate to once again aid her former clan folk by dueling the new
  master of the Magic Mirror, a weapon designed to blind its victims with
  bright light so that the attacker can use the dagger-sized Golden Sword
  to break though their defenses.


  • 凯禧 4小时前 :


  • 席高洁 8小时前 :


  • 卫童熙 4小时前 :


  • 卫泰然 4小时前 :


  • 振杰 7小时前 :


  • 宗政幻露 7小时前 :


  • 尔清嘉 5小时前 :


  • 卫粉利 4小时前 :

    -My life.

  • 刘昊苍 5小时前 :


  • 丘冰蝶 8小时前 :


  • 令小霜 4小时前 :

    “我从未因为思想而受到政府审判” 高潮戏略有逊色,但依然令人热泪盈眶,如果你会因此泪目,那是因为内心深处对自由的渴望尚未泯灭。

  • 卫诚然 1小时前 :

    welcome to the rock!

  • 仲孙阳曦 8小时前 :


  • 卫亘峰 3小时前 :


  • 卫界平 0小时前 :

    Davis 本人对索金的人物塑造持保留意见 缺点或者说窠臼还是有不少的 但让我个人兴奋的 reference 也是不少(别再吹 Eric Clapton 了 Ginger Baker 比他好到不知那里去了) 结尾的煽动性和喊话够直接 —— The Whole World Is Watching 但同时也要看到:Of course, there are very decent police officers in every state but the systemic racism in the police department just can’t be denied. 好歹是本方队友加一分鼓励吧 希望索金还是意识一下自己太白了的缺点 这种白化简直是可怜了的骑墙感

  • 傅琴轩 7小时前 :

    结构工整的好处是简洁有力 坏处是让真实的历史仿佛被放入玻璃钟罩里被人凝视打量 鲜活不足 这片子推出的日期就足够玩味 换选年好莱坞干脆不遗余力 一左到底 让大家复习一下历史上的今天 被标签化久了仿佛有标签成了什么坏事似的 可惜这一次我们成了在褐色玻璃里侧的人 觥筹交错间 历史在小酒馆的内外轮转 希望清醒的人能多一点吧。

  • 安帆 7小时前 :

    Aaron Sorkin剧本一如既往地精彩,全程金句无尿点。但听多了就觉得所有人抖包袱都一个路数,到不了马未都评价《编辑部的故事》所有人“顺拐”的程度,但角色的辨识度更多还是演员带来的。Sorkin总算逮到一个故事直抒政见,所以和《彼铁卢》相比我觉得还是略逊一筹,Mike Leigh尽显英国人狡猾的一面,最终大战之前不厌其烦铺陈各种日常生活和政治角力,让我更有浸入感。学到了预先审查叫voir dire,不就是法国人的see say么,不知这算普通法成文法谁影响谁。有不少我喜欢的演员,比如《卢斯》让我惊艳的Kelvin Harrison Jr., 《天使在美国》让我难忘的Ben Shenkman.

  • 东郭海凡 5小时前 :


  • 候文静 5小时前 :

    “Do you have contempt for your government? (你是否蔑视你的政府)” - "It's nothing compared to the contempt my government has for me.(与我的政府对我的蔑视相比, 我的蔑视不值一提)”

  • 振辰 0小时前 :



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