
  Arkham, 1975: Jonathan Davis' father has disappeared. His tracks lead to Germany, to the Swabian-Franconian Forest where he was stationed after the Second World War. Jonathan sets out to find him and bring him home, but deep in the woods he discovers a dark mystery from the past. Based on H.P. Lovecraft's short novel "The Colour Out of Space".
  brutashell review - 'Filmed in black and white and primarily spoken in German, it is obvious that Die Farbe did not have a huge budget to work with. Effects are minimal and the cast is utterly unknown. I should point out that these are all good things, and work very much in the film's favour. There is no CGI to rely on, no name actors to carry it. Rather, the filmmakers do the unthinkable: they create a genuine atmosphere of unimaginable dread and unspeakable horror, using shadow, suggestion and rare splashes of that Nameless colour in a few select frames. In short, they did a damn good job. Die Farbe is subtle in its mounting horror, nurturing a dark dread deep in your bowels with every shot. All of the best and most stomach-turningly distressing films I’ve ever seen have come out of Germany: M, The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, The White Ribbon, and now this one. Leave it to the Germans. We know how to gross you out on the deepest psychological levels.
  Lovecraft worshippers and devotees of German Expressionism alike, take heed: seek out and view this film at your earliest possible convenience. It’s a dark, noisome little gem that will squirm into your subconscious and lay its eggs in your sanity. Hey, not everyone gets the honour of being a host organism for the Elder Gods, you know.'


  • 赏云韶 1小时前 :


  • 玉美 9小时前 :


  • 裕驰 4小时前 :


  • 绳君博 7小时前 :

    5.5/10 阴暗潮湿的小镇必出妖,又一个老套的古老传说,浪费了演技好的小男孩。

  • 程经纶 9小时前 :


  • 望冬莲 7小时前 :


  • 钭俊楚 3小时前 :


  • 钱如波 7小时前 :

    呃 怎么说呢 我觉得恐怖片应该是给观众很强的恐怖观感而不是困的要死看着演员身处什么恐怖氛围或者自己吓唬自己

  • 梓帛 4小时前 :


  • 蕾曼 8小时前 :


  • 粟夏山 2小时前 :

    so 女主角有童年创伤,她看到小男孩就产生了额外的同情心,不顾一切要去拯救他,哪怕要对抗拿了好几个人头的嗜血怪兽,而怪兽也刚好在碰到女主的时候就变得格外虚弱,本来一爪子可以打飞女主她弟的力量,一下子就没了,轻松被女主扎成蜂窝,然后这电影想说救赎与自我救赎,爱与被爱,我只想说换成我,老娘童年被创伤成啥样,我命还是要的,我绝对不会这样奋不顾身,看到女主那句i have to save him就忍不住翻白眼,我可去你的吧,个人英雄主义有时候真的蛮傻逼的。

  • 赏涵涵 5小时前 :

    连其中讽刺都看不出来 觉得不好笑的 不如就别看电影了 看看猴子洗澡的短视频吧

  • 甘锐利 7小时前 :


  • 菲倩 5小时前 :


  • 珍梓 4小时前 :

    后面逻辑不通 前面怪物也不对劲 整体就变身那儿有点儿新鲜劲儿

  • 糜修德 0小时前 :

    这是什么新型僵尸吗…虽然设定还挺带感 但拍出来也就那样吧 还是预告片最精彩

  • 香楠 8小时前 :


  • 鲁尔蓉 8小时前 :


  • 索问香 5小时前 :


  • 玥家 7小时前 :



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