
  John Kent (Randolph Scott), a former star football player at Harvard, goes to Paris with his friend Huck Haines (Fred Astaire) and the latter's dance band, the Wabash Indianians. Alexander Voyda (Luis Alberni) has booked the band, but refuses to let them play when he finds the musicians are not the Indians he expected, but merely from Indiana (Huck Haines and his Indianians Band).
  John turns to the only person he knows in Paris for help, his Aunt Minnie (Helen Westley), who owns the fashionable "Roberta" gown shop. While there, he meets her chief assistant (and secretly the head designer), Stephanie (Irene Dunne). John is quickly smitten with her.
  Meanwhile, Huck unexpectedly stumbles upon someone he knows very well. "Countess Scharwenka", a temperamental customer at Roberta's, turns out to be his hometown sweetheart Lizzie Gatz (Ginger Rogers). She gets Huck's band an engagement at the nightclub where she is a featured entertainer.
  Two things trouble John. One is Ladislaw (Victor Varconi), the handsome Russian deposed prince and doorman who seems too interested in Stephanie. The other is the memory of Sophie (Claire Dodd), the snobbish, conceited girlfriend he left behind after a quarrel over his lack of sophistication and polish.
  When Aunt Minnie dies unexpectedly without leaving a will, John inherits the shop. Knowing nothing about women's fashion and that his aunt intended for Stephanie to inherit the business, he persuades Stephanie to remain as his partner. Correspondents flock to hear what a football player has to say about feminine fashions. Huck gives the answers, making a lot of weird statements about the innovations John is planning to introduce.
  Sophie arrives in Paris, attracted by John's good fortune. She enters the shop, looking for a dress, but is dissatisfied with everything Stephanie shows her. Huck persuades her to choose a gown that John had ordered discarded as too vulgar. When John sees her in it, they quarrel for the final time.
  John reproaches Stephanie for selling Sophie the gown. Terribly hurt, Stephanie quits the shop. With Roberta's putting on a fashion show in a week, Huck takes over the design work, with predictably bad results. When Stephanie sees his awful creations, she is persuaded to return to save Roberta's reputation.
  The show is a triumph, helped by the entertaining of Huck, Countess Scharwenka, and the band. (A pre-stardom Lucille Ball, with platinum blond hair, appears uncredited in her first RKO film[4] as a model wearing an elaborate feather cape, after the vocal by Dunne, in the fashion show.[5]) The closing sensation is a gown modeled by Stephanie herself. At the show, John overhears that she and Ladislaw are leaving Paris and mistakenly assumes that they have married. Later, he congratulates her for becoming a princess. When she informs him that Ladislaw is merely her cousin and that the title has been hers since birth, the lovers are reunited. Huck and Lizzie, who decide to get married, do a final tap dance sequel.


  • 势依云 7小时前 :


  • 妮枫 2小时前 :


  • 但雨筠 0小时前 :


  • 卫立 4小时前 :

    很有意思!实际想传达的并没有超过《青春变形记》,还是那样的华裔设定,那样的母女关系,那样感同身受的和解方式。但和一个多重宇宙的科幻概念融合得如此自然有趣。点子倒不新(因此倒方便解释),意识转移想到《超感猎杀》、做小概率事件激活跃迁条件类似《黑之契约者》里面的“代价”、乃至贝果黑洞像是《钢之炼金术师》真理之门混搭飞面神教,但敢于逼近极限是科幻的一个特点,这里表现得很好。Everything,Everywhere,All at Once三幕剧的形式将一地鸡毛、一锅乱炖、一个收束融入较为规整的结构,形散神不散。最后是杨紫琼,真是各种“人生”信手拈来。在中段伊芙琳高速切换平行世界的人设和Boss斗法时,突然觉得这整个故事很像《物语》的风格,比如某天垃圾君为了救妹妹可能会激起的西尾维新宇宙崩塌……

  • 卫士忠 7小时前 :

    太喜歡這部片了!華麗繽紛的奇想,多重宇宙的可能,其實都有著微妙互通之處。前面笑開懷,後面哭濕口罩。即使場景是瘋狂的,但感情真實到刺痛。雙導很懂華人家庭的別扭親子關係,以及永遠焦慮尋求認同的心情。所有的東西甚至搞笑梗(例如熱狗宇宙),實際上都緊扣著人物。最妙的是其實是帶有哲學思考的劇本,用最通俗的方式表達出來了。電影中的一家人都好棒! 楊紫瓊文武戲俱佳,生涯代表作了。"七寶奇謀"童星出身的關繼威久違復出,貢獻了精彩的演出,本可能被處理得很刻板的男性角色,在片中卻十分令人動容。希望楊關二人都能提個奧斯卡啊! 演女兒的Stephanie Hsu也是好戲,即使身處各種荒誕的場景,但忘不掉她神色中濃濃的悲傷...資深華裔演員吳漢章演的外祖父亦是一個驚喜!

  • 定康平 5小时前 :


  • 五玉韵 3小时前 :


  • 仕林 3小时前 :

    妈都figured her shit out了却还是选择be here with me,变成石头也要追我下地狱,这不是the ultimate save to everything,这是exactly逼疯我的原因

  • 凡春 9小时前 :

    4.5 何止是年度十佳!“限制知识,为信仰留有余地”,生活所谓的面相,无论是停留在石头处仿佛存在消散的美学顿悟,还是没那么多love&peace概率现实的糟心经历,或者是鼓励自己或他人有无限可能的看待方式,让目的回归到生活都绝非简单之事。真的,劝人放弃、自我弃绝、看开想顺、爱咋咋的、抱怨自艾等等,都首先根本不是有用的处世哲学或实践方法,“有用”在这不止是你生活决定的,也决然不等于现实的窒息无望,而是需要去主动理解,并且怎么理解就怎么存在的自由,总看到事情好的一面真的很难,不过却更重要,相信生活的可能性,真的和相信电影可能性一样,让我身心愉悦!

  • 季兴文 9小时前 :

    “不管在哪个宇宙 我还是想跟你一起报税”awwwwww戳笑点了hhhh 喜欢石头的那段QAQ 很平静很zen (16号礼拜六夜晚的16个吻也很好

  • 恒宇 9小时前 :


  • 庆沛凝 7小时前 :


  • 宫新雪 7小时前 :


  • 伦蔚星 7小时前 :


  • 南宫清淑 6小时前 :


  • 敏婧 1小时前 :

    这部电影是21世纪版的《你一生的故事》有一种编剧把姜ted的小说重新写了一遍的感觉。要说有什么深意嘛,大概就是杜顺大师在《五教止观》中写的:“童子进入楼阁发现里面都是珠光宝镜,宝珠把宇宙精神之光普照出来,消灭宇宙一切黑暗,一切障碍。” #一即一切#

  • 初子 0小时前 :


  • 尔晶滢 9小时前 :


  • 安帆 1小时前 :


  • 操萍韵 8小时前 :



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